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Апитрейд ЕООД е компания, създадена през 1991-ва година, чиито основен предмет на дейност е преработка и търговия с български натурален пчелен мед. Ние предлагаме на нашите клиенти всички видове мед, добивани в България – букет, акациев, липов, манов, билков, слънчогледов, мед от магарешки бодил, от кориандър и от рапица. За да задоволим изискванията както на крайния потребител, така и на клиентите от хранителната индустрия, ние пакетираме меда в широка гама от опаковки с различен обем и предназначение.

Кои сме ние


В последните години Апитрейд се утвърди като един от най-големите преработватели и износители на български мед. В нашата фабрика се преработва само 100% натурален и чист мед, който закупуваме директно от пчеларите от всички райони на страната. Компанията ни продава продукцията си както на българския пазар, така и в чужбина, като значителна част от реализираните количества са износ.


Компанията успешно е интегрирала и подържа международните стандарти за качество IFS v.6 и ISO9001:2008 и притежава всички необходими сертификати и лицензи за продажба на българския пазар и за износ.


Изградили сме дългосрочни партньорства с чуждестранни вериги за продажба на дребно, както и с много клиенти от чужбина. Продуктите ни се изнасят за повече от 10 държави от Европа и Азия.


Медът, който използваме, изкупуваме директно от пчеларите от всички райони на страната само след извършване на стриктен контрол на качеството посредством лабораторни анализи. Изпитванията се извършват в нашата собствена лаборатория, както и в международно признатите лаборатории в Германия.
Процесите по втечняването на кристализирал мед, филтрацията и разфасоването в опаковки се извършват в пълно съответствие с българското и европейско законодателство, което гарантира запазването на всички уникални свойства на този ценен природен продукт.


Органолептични характеристики – средно интензивен цвят, силен аромат, с различно време на кристализация в зависимост от състава, средна сладост.

Поленови характеристики – висок брой разнородни растителни полени

Органолептични индикатори:
Цвят – светло жълт до кафяво-червеникав
Аромат – приятен
Сладък вкус
Консистенция – течна, полукристализирала или кристализирала маса.

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Organoleptic characteristics – non-crystallizing (because of the high fructose content), light colour and specific thin aroma. Pollen characteristics – low total quantity of pollen beads (9200 beads on average per 10 grams, minimum 1000 and maximum 19000). The percentage content of acacia pollen out of the total pollen quantity is also relatively low (28,1 % on average, minimum 7,0 % and maximum 59,5 %).

Physical-chemical characteristics – low levels of colour, conductivity, acidity, content of enzymes, prolin and glucose, and low glucose/water proportion. The fructose/glucose proportion as well as the fructose and sucrose content are increased.??Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bulgarian acacia honey?Colour – 12.7 mm, Water – 17.9%, рН – 4.51, Total acidity – 14.3 mekv/kg, Diastase – 10.3 d.ch., Fructose/ glucose – 1.61, Sucrose – 7.09%, Pollen – 28%

Colour – light yellow
Аroma – insufficiently marked
Taste – sweet
Consistence – liquid

Healing application – The acacia honey has moderately expressed volatile and non-volatile anti- microbe substances. It can be applied as a good overall stabilizing and neurotonical means. It is recommended when healing stomach-intestinal tract, liver and kidney complaints. It has light expectorating effect; when prescribed by a doctor it can have anti-diabetic effect.

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Organoleptic characteristics – light to mildly intensive colour, strong and specific aroma, low acidity, slow crystallization, and average sweetness.

Pollen characteristics – low pollen content. The total quantity of pollen beads is 15 800 beads on average per 10 grams, with variation boundaries of 3000 and 35200. The percentage content of lime-tree pollen out of the total pollen quantity is 22,9 % on average (from 1 to 55,9%).

Physical-chemical characteristics –the lime-tree honey has conductivity higher than the values typical for the nectarine honey as there are admixtures from manna honey here.

Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bulgarian lime-tree honey
Colour – 33.3 mm, Water – 16.9%, рН – 4.4, Total acidity – 23.5 mekv/kg, Diastase – 16.8 d.ch., Fructose/ glucose – 1.18, Sucrose – 1.2%, Pollen – 28.3%

Organoleptic Indicators

Colour – light amber;
Аroma – reminds of the lime-tree blossom aroma;
Taste – sweet with light sour taste;
Consistence – thick half-crystallized or crystallized liquid;

Healing application–the anti-microbe effect of the lime-tree honey is strongly expressed towards the gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, and the anti-protozoan effect- towards the infusoria, amoeba and tichomonadas. It has well expressed anti-micotic characteristics as well as expectorating, broncholitic, anti-inflammatory, cardio tonic and loosening effect. It has good application if wounded or burnt, as well as when treating some gynaecological diseases- fluor, trichomonas, anexitea.

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The manna is produced by a large number of sucking insects on a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees.

Organoleptic characteristics – dark to very dark intensive colour with a greenish shade, specific aroma, average sweetness, high acidity, slow crystallization, thick consistence due to the low water content.

Microscope characteristics – the manna honey is characterised by the presence of so called manna elements (hifes, spores, water plants, fungi) and pollen from non-honey-producing plants. The proportion manna elements/pollen beads is 1,5 on average with boundary values of 0,30 and 0,40, and the total quantity of plant elements is 151,80 on average with boundary values of 35,30 and 373,00.

Physical-chemical characteristics – the manna honey is distinguished by its high levels of colour, conductivity and acidity, positive optic activity and low levels of fructose, glucose, total quantity of glucose and fructose, and glucose/water proportion.

Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bulgarian manna honey
Colour – 86mm, Water – 16.1%, рН – 5.1, Total acidity – 28.4 mekv/kg, Diastase – 22.6 d.ch., Fructose/ glucose – 1.25, Sucrose – 0.8%, Conductivity – 1.20 mS/sm

Organoleptic Indicators
Colour – from light yellow to dark brown;
Аroma – typical;
Taste – sweet with sometimes light sour or bitter taste;
Consistence – thick half-crystallized or crystallized liquid;

Healing application – Due to the high content of microelements the manna honey is suitable for people with anemia. It is also used for healing of the upper breathing channels-coughing, bronchitis. The manna honey is a terrific anti- anemia cure, it strengthens the heart muscle and the immune system, and protects from haemorrhages in the brain and in the eye retina.

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Organoleptic characteristics – mildly intensive colour, strong aroma, slow crystallization, average sweetness.

Pollen characteristics – low quantity of pollen.

Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bulgarian thistle honey
Colour – 33.3 mm, Water – 16.9%, рН – 4.4, Total acidity – 23.5 mekv/kg, Diastase – 16.8 d.ch., Fructose/ glucose – 1.18, Sucrose – 1.2%, Pollen – 28.3%

Organoleptic Indicators

Colour – yellow-reddish;
Аroma – pleasant;
Taste – sweet;
Consistence – thick half-crystallized or crystallized liquid;

Healing application –it possesses strongly expressed anti-microbe effect. It is recommended to patients with heart problems, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, steno cardiac complaints and bronchial asthma. It also relieves the neurological system. The thistle honey is also considered to strengthen the male potency and the immune system.

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Organoleptic characteristics – yellow colour, very pleasant aroma, low acidity, quick crystallization in small and average-sized beads, average sweetness.

Pollen characteristics – low quantity of pollen.

Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bulgarian herbal honey
Colour – 33.3 mm, Water – 17%, рН – 4.4. Total acidity – 23.5 mekv/kg, Diastase – 16.8 d.ch., Fructose/ glucose – 1.18, Sucrose – 1.2%, Pollen – 28%

Organoleptic Indicators

Colour – light amber;
Аroma – pleasant;
Taste – sweet;
Consistence – thick half-crystallized or crystallized liquid;

Healing application – the herbal honey has explicitly high bacteriostatic and bactericidal characteristics even if diluted 1:160. It also shows high levels of anti-protozoan, anti-micotic and anti-allergic effect. The herbal honey has overall strengthening effect and increases the immune protection mechanisms of the organism as well as has good influence when treating diseases of the breathing channels, stomach-intestinal tract, wounds and gynaecological problems.

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